They need to improve their image — they are selling themselves short 他们需要提升自己的形象——他们是在自贬身价。
Selling their fans short in such a shabby way is not acceptable. 如此过分地怠慢他们的崇拜者令人无法接受。
Louise Marie Roth, an American sociologist and author of "Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street", illustrated the extreme gender inequality on Wall Street. 美国社会学家、“SellingWomenShort:GenderandMoneyonWallStreet”一书作者LouiseMarieRoth举例说明了华尔街极度的性别不平等现象。
Some banks are offering homeowners who are behind on mortgage payments cash in exchange for selling the home in a short sale. 有些银行为贷款逾期的业主派发现金,让他们把房屋以低于贷款余额的价格卖掉。
The appeals court ruling sounds as if simply selling stocks short is a crime under Chinese law. 上诉法院的裁决听上去似乎是说,按照中国的法律,仅仅是卖空股票也是一种犯罪。
I think you're selling yourself short. 那我会觉得你出卖了自己。
Other related speed bumps in Hong Kong include bans on naked short selling, in which investors short shares they have not borrowed, and the uptick rule that prevents shorting of stocks whose prices are already falling. 香港采取的其它限速措施包括禁止裸卖空(指投资者在没有借入股票的情况下卖空)以及提价交易规则(防止投资者卖空股价已在下跌的股票)。
Goldman, famously, made a lot of money selling securities backed by subprime mortgages& then made a lot more money by selling mortgage-backed securities short, just before their value crashed. 高盛却棋高一筹,先是通过推销次贷支持型债券大捞一把,然后,就在住房抵押债券价值暴跌之前,全部卖出,赚了更多的钱。
You will be out of your league or selling yourself short both leading to disaster. 脱离同盟或者暴露自己的缺点都能导致失败。
But overall, selling women short is a thoughtful examination of how ostensibly merit-based systems can result in unequal outcomes. 不过,总的来说,《卖空女性》仍是对表面上以贤举能的体制如何可能导致不公平结果的深刻考察。
He made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short. 他在证券交易上用卖空方式赚了大笔钱。
Selling the American national interest short, countless other corporations abjectly do Beijing's lobbying in Congress. 无数其他公司在出卖美国的国家利益的同时还在国会中卑微地为中国游说。
Sometimes selling short can be a risking strategy. 有时空头打法可能会有风险。
This is the opposite of selling short stocks, where being wrong the risk automatically increases. 这与做空股票相反做空股票时,如果投机者错了,风险会自动上升。
Covered short selling We won't sell short and make our fortune. 有担保卖空,有妥善交收安排的卖空我们不搞卖空来发财。
He's organizing some sort of'committee for the maintenance of government bonds,'and in their name he's going to wire a petition to the government to stop the practice of selling short! 他正在那里布置。他打算用‘国内公债维持会’的名义电请政府禁止卖空!
Hedge funds are selling short chinese solars with the help of oil and coal money. 在石油和煤炭公司的资助下,对冲基金在卖掉中国太阳能公司的短期收益。
Sharp losses were also taken by many large long-short equity managers, which both invest in stocks and look to take advantage of price falls by selling them short. 许多大型多空股票基金也出现了巨额亏损。这种基金既买进股票,同时也寻求通过卖空从股价下跌中获利。
He made his fortune by selling short just before the crash. 他靠在崩盘前卖空而发了财。
Using punny humor and wry examples, he explained the arcane world of finance, with its foggy phrases such as "selling short" and "buying on margin," to the newly empowered personal investor. 他用幽默的语言,好笑的例子和诸如“卖空”和“边际购买”之类模糊的术语向刚刚崛起的投资人讲解神秘的金融世界。
At home, China hands in the State Department, accused of losing China by selling Chiang short, were purged, and along with them went expertise about Chinese realities. 在美国,国务院里的中国通被指责因背弃蒋介石而让美国失去了中国,由此遭到了清洗,他们对中国现实的内行见解也随之消失。
Retail punters are simply selling into strength margin accounts with short yen, long Australian dollar positions, for example, are at the highest levels since January 2007, according to JPMorgan. 散户投资者们只是在逢高卖出例如,摩根大通(jpmorgan)称,做空日元、做多澳元的保证金账户达到2007年1月以来的最高水平。
Competitor selling short speculate on further decline however opinion present decline temporary. 同行随价格下跌空头抛售,但一般认为目前的价格下跌属暂时性的。
Hedge funds that had funded investments in oil futures by selling short on bank shares were caught in a vicious squeeze, as this strategy lost more than 40 per cent in a matter of weeks. 靠卖空银行股为原油期货投资提供资金的对冲基金陷入了恶性的逼仓中,采用此项策略的基金数周内损失了逾40%的资金。
Based on a mathematical model for pricing options, portfolio insurance consisted of a strategy of selling stock market index futures short while buying other equities. 投资组合保险以期权定价的数学模型为基础,它的一种策略是在买入股票的同时卖空股指期货。
I'm fed up with people selling this country short. 我讨厌那些贬低这个国家的人。
The funds hold about 100 stocks, and can raise or lower their cash holdings, but cannot bet on stocks to go down by selling them short. 这些基金持有约100只股票,能够增加或降低其现金持有比例,但不能通过卖空来押注股价下跌。
Storing Model for Producing and Selling Without Short Supply 不允许缺货生产销售存储模型
Margin trading is a credit trading which can be divided into short selling and short purchase. 融资融券交易作为信用交易的一种,分为融资和融券两种不同的交易方式。
The seventh chapter discusses market circumstance in China and possible investment strategies applied in domesticated market at present, which includes arbitrage and selling short put. 第七章讨论了投资于对冲基金的途径,以及对冲基金在中国金融市场的生存环境、分析了可能运用的策略主要有套利和卖空等。